Greg Hewgill (ghewgill) wrote,
Greg Hewgill

multitool geekery

I just received a present from me to me: a Leatherman Skeletool CX. I ordered it from Amazon back in January I think, and with the production delays at Leatherman combined with the delays naturally introduced by the bovineone freight forwarding department (thanks cow!), it arrived here just a few days ago.

Damn that's a sexy multitool. I think the two best things about it are: (1) the carabiner clip, and (2) the weight. The whole minimalist thing appeals to me, because I won't end up carrying around stuff I don't need. Just pliers, a knife, a screwdriver, and a clip that will clip to almost anything.

I've been fascinated with pocket multitools ever since I saw a Gerber folding pliers sometime back in the 1980s. I'm glad Leatherman is providing me with an outlet for this bit of niche geekery.

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