The English Wikipedia dump is currently in progress and today has an estimated completion date in June 2009. I expect it to be done sooner than that, because the first articles that are dumped are the oldest ones and those usually have more revisions. This seems to cause the time estimation algorithm to overestimate the amount of time remaining (it was estimating July 2009 last week).
wikimedia dumps
The English Wikipedia dump is currently in progress and today has an estimated completion date in June 2009. I expect it to be done sooner than that, because the first articles that are dumped are the oldest ones and those usually have more revisions. This seems to cause the time estimation algorithm to overestimate the amount of time remaining (it was estimating July 2009 last week).
2013 in review
2013 is the year when everything changed. The biggest event was the birth of our daughter Lily. She was born prematurely in Shanghai while we…
2012 in review
2012 has been fairly quiet. Maybe it just seems that way because I haven't actually written anything new in this blog since last year's annual…
new photo galleries
I've been busy processing photo galleries from the last year (or two) and putting them online for your perusal. Vancouver 2010 Northland…
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