Greg Hewgill (ghewgill) wrote,
Greg Hewgill

islands of the world tour 2009

Amy and I haven't been back to North America to see family since we got married in 2007. We've been talking for a while about taking a trip back, and we've finally got everything in place to do that. Not inclined to do anything by half, our itinerary is now roughly:

  • fly Christchurch - Auckland - Vancouver
  • 5 days in Vancouver/Victoria (see family etc)
  • fly Vancouver - Denver - Dallas
  • 1 day in Dallas (see more family)
  • drive Dallas - Austin
  • 5 days in Austin (SXSW and NTN!)
  • fly Dallas - Frankfurt (with almost all day for lunch in Frankfurt) - Dublin
  • 1 day in Dublin
  • train Dublin - Cork
  • 5 days in southern Ireland (see friends)
  • fly Cork - London - Reykjavik
  • 9 days in Iceland!
  • fly Reykjavik - London
  • 2 days in London
  • fly London - Frankfurt - Tokyo
  • 2 days in Tokyo
  • fly Tokyo - Christchurch

This is definitely the "Islands of the World Tour 2009". We're going to hit 6 of the top 20 largest islands in the world, plus the slightly smaller Vancouver Island:

  • 7. Honshu (Japan)
  • 9. Great Britain
  • 12. South Island (New Zealand)
  • 14. North Island (New Zealand) (sort of cheating, we only fly through Auckland)
  • 18. Iceland
  • 20. Ireland
  • 43. Vancouver Island

We bought the tickets yesterday so we're definitely going. I'm stoked. Questions:

  • What's the best airport-accessible place to have lunch in Frankfurt? Arrive 9am, leave 4pm.
  • Anybody been to Iceland? Experiences to relate? Places not to miss?
  • How best to see an infintesimal part of Tokyo in two days?
Tags: travel

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