Greg Hewgill (ghewgill) wrote,
Greg Hewgill

2012 in review

2012 has been fairly quiet. Maybe it just seems that way because I haven't actually written anything new in this blog since last year's annual summary.

  • Spent an entire year working from home (telecommuting). I miss the social aspect of the workplace, but the zero commute sure is nice.
  • Since I'm no longer cycling to work, I started running regularly. Logged 1052 km last year. I even ran 20 km (half marathon) before breakfast one day.
  • We tried to buy a house in Auckland, but were immediately priced out of the market at auction. Now renting a nice flat in a great location.
  • Quote of the year: "You don't stop learning because you get old; you get old because you stop learning."

New software this year:

  • NZSL Dictionary is a dictionary for New Zealand Sign Language.
  • Auckland Trains is a train timetable app for Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Free 15C is an HP-15C calculator simulator, which is now available for iOS.
Tags: annual

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