Greg Hewgill (ghewgill) wrote,
Greg Hewgill

fulmo bonegas

I got several good lightning pictures this evening. Here's one:

You can see the rest of them in my gallery.

Although I didn't have a chance to fly, this was certainly an enjoyable weekend anyway. Most of the enjoyable parts were spent in the company of friends, the rest of it was me procrastinating about doing some yardwork (which I eventually did get around to doing). I was considering doing some geocaching but didn't get to it. Maybe the next non-flying weekend. I'm going to load a bunch of local cache coordinates into my GPS so geocaching can be more spontaneous. Less planning, more doing. (Thanks openmynd :)

In case you were wondering, the title of this post ("fulmo bonegas") is Esperanto and essentially means "lightning is awesome".
Tags: photos, weather

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