Greg Hewgill (ghewgill) wrote,
Greg Hewgill

creative commons

I was wandering around my Flickr account, and noticed that there were several different types of licensing available for photos on Flickr (that are conveniently provided by Flickr). The default is "All rights reserved", which doesn't give anybody permission to do anything with your photos without your consent. I changed all my photos to the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. This allows people to do pretty much whatever they want with the photos, as long as they mention where the photo came from.

If you're wondering why I'm using Flickr and not my photo gallery on my web site, the answer is that my main computer is still in a shipping container on a boat somewhere in the Pacific headed toward New Zealand. While I can make minor edits to my web site live, it takes more effort to make wholesale changes to the gallery. I'll continue to use my Flickr account for what I think are the "best of the best" photos.
Tags: copyright

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