Greg Hewgill (ghewgill) wrote,
Greg Hewgill

obligatory backreference

I see my journal has been legitimized by a reference from nugget. Must post about ... something ...

As long as I can remember, I've always in the back of my mind wanted to be a pilot. Or at least to fly airplanes. Up until now I haven't really been willing to undergo a commitment to make that happen. But last weekend decibel45, dopplertx, tj, and I all went for a glider demo ride at Fault Line Flyers (see my pictures). That was the first time I'd actually been at the controls of an aircraft, and it was everything I had hoped for. I'm hooked. Joining the club saturday. Yay flying.

On another note, I have been passively resisting the whole "blog" movement for a while now. I already have a web site, why do I need another forum to post things? I think I figured it out though. My web site is for permanent content. I've often thought of random things that I might like to tell people about, but aren't really suitable for permanent content. So I end up not posting them. Of course, that's where livejournal comes in. I'm usually not very talkative so we'll see how it goes.

On a technical note, I'm trying an lj client called LogJam to post this comment. Hope it works.
Tags: flying, livejournal, random

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