Greg Hewgill (ghewgill) wrote,
Greg Hewgill

unclear on the concept

Spammers like to include snippets of unrelated text in their spam to try to fool bayesian filters. Spammers also like to break up the words of their message to, again, try to fool bayesian filters. However, this spammer seems to misunderstand the purpose and has combined these tactics with befuddling results:

C.Y,T_V conti*nue.s i t s st,eady clim_b f,o r t*h'e sec'ond wee+k. S'tock r+eportin+g si*tes acros.s t_h-e boa rd a r*e issuin'g sto,ck watc'h not ices-. R*e a-d t-h_e n,ews, l o-o'k at t_h'e num'ber_s, a-n.d g-e.t on C Y_T_V as it keep's i+t.s cl-imb go,ing.

T h,e y cal,led h+e+r Hol_ly Mer ry h-e_r l*i-p s w,e-r'e so ru*ddybe,rry a_n.d P'i_a de Pure b-elle w+h,e*n t,h-e redmi'ne_rs r iots w_a's on abo+ut h e_r_. P'u-t t-h-e hea,ds on t'o_p+.


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